I started this painting almost 9 months ago, and it is still not finished in my eyes. Every time I look at it, it needs something. and I'm just not sure what that is yet.
With this painting, I wanted to get back into pointillism, mostly because I find it rather relaxing, but also because of the effect that it gives to the piece. You can probably see that even though I've been working on this painting for the past 9 months I only still have the first layer of dots on. I eventually want this painting to be completely covered in dots, ranging in colour. The reason being is I find that it creates an interesting illusion of depth to the painting. and it makes it so I and others can sit and stare at it for hours.
Now since i'm moving and this painting is in oil, I've had to let it dry so it can be transported in the back of my trailer when I move. when I get settled into my place in Halifax I'll resume painting on it. In the mean time I've started smaller paintings that are about 1' by 1' and I started them the same way as this painting. I've decided to make my own black with different undertones for these smaller paintings and see if it makes a difference with the final piece, i'm sure that it will, since a straight tone black creates an entire different feel to my bigger paintings.
My documentation will also improve, since I just recently got a new digital camera, its not a fancy pants camera but a normal nikon camera, and I can say that the image quality is a thousand times better than the camera I use to use.