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"JGallery" where I talk about my artwork and show my pre-painting sketches and drawings and crap like that

Thursday, December 8, 2011

string doll still life, moving along nicely, it'll be done by monday :]

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Finally Finished. Wall Still life. Time to start my next painting

It has more than 10 hours of work put into it, and i'd have to say I am pretty pleased with its final out come. I have critique on Wednesday. This still life doesn't have to be done for my personal crit, but I wanted it to be finished so I can work on my next painting.


For my final painting, I put down a ground of red acrylic paint and drew the string dolls in with a blend of darker reds. By adding a ground of colour, it enriches the colours that you lay on top of it. So, since the first doll on the far left is red, the reds that i'm using with appear to be more vibrant in colour.

Similar to my wall still life, the ground is more of an orange on this painting than a true red. My wall still life used a yellow ground to make the red pop more. When painting reds, its better to use a cadmium yellow than adding white to make it lighter. You want your painting to look red, not pink. By adding yellow it creates an orange that also appears in the fabric that was on the wall when light was shining onto it.

In this photo I finished adding the white/grey background.

This is kind of a bad photo, but oh well. As you can see, the red is more intense on the string doll, and all that is thanks to the red ground underneath.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wall Still Life.. Still progressing. Should have it finished by tomorrow

There is still a lot to be done with this painting. However tomorrow I have to start another painting and have that finished before my painting class is over, and I haven't decided to do either a still like again, or a self portrait. I'll just have to see I guess.