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"JGallery" where I talk about my artwork and show my pre-painting sketches and drawings and crap like that

Sunday, September 23, 2012

candy painting

so this is painting project that is (almost) finished, it is in fact, a candy still life. Which for me is ironic, because I hate candy haha. My intermediate painting class is going really well so far. and my teacher Andrew is an amazing teacher. I've learned so much more with him teaching me than I have with any other painting prof (aside from marla) haha.

my next painting is a still like as well. so thats fun.

Im also in this intro lithography class, and i've never done lithography before. I have done other forms of print making though so I kind of know what to expect. but so far I've levagated a stone, and drew on it with litho crayons, I'm going to etch my stone this thursday so that will be interesting. I just hope that my first litho print turns out.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

DIY things

I've been doing a lot of DIY things with my stuff lately, like a while ago I made a post on my shoes that I painted, well I started painting my old back pack and im continuing with the "ghost level" mario theme, and so far I just have the blue base of the back ground done but i'll post some updates on that soon.

paint brush holder for school :] 

The latest thing that i've painted on was my paint brush holder case thing, its was a black canvas paint brush holder thing that had a zipper and an ugly logo on it that said art something or other.. I don't know, I just didn't like how it looked, and because it looked shitty I didn't use it. so I painted it a few times, once blue, then white. but now I painted a skull with a crow and some roses on it and it looks pretty cool. The roses on it were done in marker though, and because of that after I sealed it with MOD podge it sort of smeared everywhere, so I made it look more intentional. But since I painted on it, I like it a lot more, and I'll be keeping it in my studio at school.

I like doing DIY things like this. super fun :]

I'll be back in Uni in like 12 days :D im so excited to be back in school. And it will bring back the creative atmosphere that my summer has been lacking.


Saturday, June 9, 2012

true to colour

Sorry for all the shitty quality pictures, the lighting In my apartment is rather shit. So I figured that if I took this outside, it would show more of it's true colours. The video that I posted didn't have the true to life colour quality that I hoped for.. but you got the point of it right? kind of like a look at me painting kind of thing... haha well I hope that you enjoyed watching me work and that you enjoy looking at my artwork. More will come, I promise. 


Friday, June 8, 2012

my first speed painting video

This is the painting style that we learned in intro painting. This is the typical "NSCAD" painting style. This style of paint application relies on the use of bigger brushes and blocking in with colours, I did some blocking in but normally you would start by blocking in with acrylic paint with a set of tones to work off of, but for this since I used a recycled canvas instead of starting completely fresh. I painted over a painting from my fall semester that I wasn't happy with, one that you see in my older blog posts of my final project( the string doll thing) yeah, I wasn't happy with that painting at all, and I really wanted to reuse that canvas. when you recycle a canvas, expecially one that was already painted with oil, you can't paint over it with gesso, or acrylic. Since those paints are water based it would simple crack and flake off. So to fix it, I painted over it with white oil paint, covering up the areas that needed it the most.

I've been drawing a lot of bird skulls lately, so I figured I would paint one on this canvas. The skull itself is placed on the left to suggest a sense of "more", if that makes sense.. It when an object is placed on the right, it generally suggest an end, we start by looking at the left, then are eyes come across to the object, and then it stops. When an object is on the left we start at this object, and then our eye is drawn to the right, and suggest endlessness.

Do you get what i'm saying? anyway.. time to draw something else.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Started painting on a recycled canvas. I'm also filming myself painting this for my youtube so hopefully it should work out nicely.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

bird skull drawing/ and 4x4 painting thats not quite finished..

Do you remember that painting of those string voodoo dolls I painted last fall? well I decided to paint over them. I couldn't stand looking at it anymore. The other painting that went with it, thats still around, but this one just made me angry looking at it. It may have been how I painted it, or the fact that I felt that it was just a failed piece of work. But anyway, I've decided to paint over it, now since it was painted rather thickly... I had to cover it up in such a way that those ridges don't show, or at least don't show as much. So I invested in a painting squeegee.. haha so simple a fix huh. Not really.. I have to wait for the oil to dry.. and now that is driving me crazy.. all this waiting.. ugh I just want to paint. You're probably wondering why I didn't just use gesso or acrylic to paint over it.. well oil and water dont mix, and if I used gesso, or an acrylic to make a new base on an old painting, well it would just start to peal off and be rather gross.. though I have done paintings in the past that did look rather interesting with that "technique" but I would rather this painting look good. So at the moment, its drying.

My other painting, the one with the tree mushrooms? remember that one? well that one isn't finished yet. I'll eventually do the detail in the mushrooms and start to define the wood and add more things. I've been coming up with a concept for it. so it represents the deep unconscious. hence the forest feel to it. When I eventually finish it, I will make a more detailed discription/ analysis of the painting. 


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

possible next painting

I've been drawing bird skulls a lot as of late. Raven skulls in particular are rather interesting to look at. I saw a necklace that I rather liked and I just didn't want to spent the 20 something dollars for it, so I made my own raven skull out of this fimo clay stuff that you cook in your oven and it turned out really nice, and a lot of my friends really like it. It doesn't look like a raven skull exactly, its more of an artist interpretation of a raven skull if anything. And along with doing that I started to draw it over and over and over again and now I think I might do a painting of it, perhaps i'm not really sure yet. so I sketched it out a couple times in my small square sketchbook and them re-drew in detail with layered pencil. 

Final Drawing Project

Are final drawing for this semester was based on a process, I chose to draw a candle burning, but with a twist at the end. 

The process had to include at least one hand in any part of the process. 

all and all I got an A- in the class :] and im pretty happy about that. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

recent stuff

This is something i've been messing with for a bit, since last fall. I started it when I was painting my shoes, but them forgot about it. But I found it and decided to repaint it and draw on a skull, I think i'm going to have water or something coming out of it, but im going to paint it fist in acrylic and then do detail in oil. I do plan on using this thing. Its a brush holder if you didn't know what it was.

Some of you may remember this painting, particularly the under painting of this. I started this painting in 2010 and its still not finished, not even close. Mostly because i've been fucking around with it for a while.

I got rid of the jelly fish that use to be on it, mostly because they didn't fit into my idea for this painting anymore.

I painted over it with a mixed ultramarine and brown to make a nice black, and while it was still wet I blended brown and red through it. The red really made the blue background push back so I wanted to add something that would be present in the foreground, at this moment they are just yellowish blobs. but they will be in highly rendered detail( hopefully) tree mushrooms. and after that is all done I'm going to add more dots and lines and stuff. hopefully this idea works out.

sorry for the shitty picture, I lost my camera and used my iPhone instead.

so far I'm just going to let it setup a bit before I decide what to do next. I've been working on this painting for almost 2 years now and its about time I finish it. its long over due thats for sure.

Here's a more detailed picture of it. you can see that I haven't added any detail yet, its getting there though.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Painting in the works

I painted over one of the paintings that I just didn't like from my class last term, but i'm rather frustrated as to what I should paint on my bare canvas.. Im still working on sketches and what not, but just haven't found a solid idea for it.

class is going well, my drawing class is pretty awesome, and my drawings are getting better and better, especially rendering things more realistically so thats exciting :]