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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Awards Ceremony

as some of you know, I got the Siskind award for my work ethic at fanshawe college. I went the the ceremony just expecting a piece of paper with my name on it, but I ended up getting a cheque for a thousand dollars!@# :D so I'm really excited over that, of course that money goes into my savings for university.

I sent my application to NSCAD on monday, and while my mother and I were in the post office, my mom had a little panic attack. She was filling out the address and spelt the university name wrong and she was shaking all over the place. completely understandable since shes doesnt really want me to be that far away. I had to take over and re write it out for her. then because I'm sending a CD instead of a flash drive with my application my mother wanted the cd to be in a bubble envelope and the papers in a bubble envelope and all wrapped in cardboard registered mail folder that the university has to sign for.. hahahaha all over my mom freaking out because she doesnt want my application to be wreaked in any way. so my application is heading to halifax completely bubbled in an armoured car surrounded by the royal army sent by the Queen. HAHA



  1. That is soo cool! Congratulations Jessy.

  2. lol you really put the end "so my application is heading to halifax completely bubbled in an armoured car surrounded by the royal army sent by the Queen' mothers be crazy i guess well hey at least they will recognize which package is your's. your really going to have to explain this to the people at nscad when you get there this is just too funny.
