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Monday, February 28, 2011

Drawings I've done (2009) + B&W paintings + Depths series & Under constant fire painting series

When I first started 3rd year, I had a lot of idea's running through my mind so I started with the easiest. Drawing was the cheapest thing that I could start with. I didn't really have enough money in the beginning of my 3rd year so I started out small.
(of course I eventually got a loan and got painting supplies and stuff)

Their are two drawings that I didn't finish because I moved on from what I was doing. The spider and the Bat. But when I showed these works for grading my professors were kinda assholes about it. Sometimes artist do things without any meaning, just because. but they always wanted an explanation for everything. I'm not one to make up shit about my work just to please people and I had small thoughts written down when I begin things.

I titled this work "The Birth of Memory" its actually quite a big drawing and at this moment its getting framed and will end up on my wall. I never really liked signing my work, I always thought that it took away from the piece. so I end up hiding my signature in the piece itself.

After my month of drawing in school, I started painting in black and white oil. They related back to my drawings and started to emerge from the canvas. What I mean is.. I started out with a completely black canvas and slowly etched my way through to what I wanted to emerge from it.

Doing this kind of painting perked my interest and I really started to enjoy it. Working with oils was a a lot easier than with acrylic. However I ended up getting bored with black and white and started drawing again, but in a different style then before. I stared using pointillism lots and lots of dots. I started drawing bees but I didn't really continue with it. I ended up adapting it to my painting style.

after these I showed my work in the studio for "Final Display" for the first semester. When we returned for second term I started painting fish and jelly fish.

This painting had a similar style to my black and white paintings, with the creature emerging from darkness. I stopped with the emerging creatures for a bit because of my grades. I got a C for this Angler painting and that really got to me. After I said FUCK IT! and I started painting jelly fish these paintings are in a series I called "Depths"

After this series I started another called " Under Constant Fire" in which I used war terminology for their names. Most of them are simple war terms but the pieces themselves turned out better than I could imagine. I had quite a few paintings in this series and the way that I painted these it allowed me to work on more than one at a time. ( I'm only going to post two pictures, the rest need to be re documented)

This Oil painting is 4 feet by 4 feet and is called Blitzkrieg. After this was taken I added dots to it to create more movement. it has about 5 layers of oil paint, each with its own drying time to show through to the final layer. Riot and Blitzkrieg were shown together along with Azmuth( similar to Riot but with blues and purple)

Riot was one of the best of this series, and won an award and was sold recently. Riot took over a month to finish, it has about 6 layers of oil paint, and each layer had a specific drying time. In order for the layers to show through and make the piece as vibrant as possible. I also entered this painting in the BMO 1st Art competition, but sadly didn't win( I was beat by a sculpture of bread.. how lame is that.)

I have more written about this piece somewhere. haha

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